Jellydigio – web design Glasgow

Hi! My name’s Beth.

I’m a freelance WordPress developer who specialises in using open source software to build sites for small businesses and membership organisations.

How do you help people with their websites?

I love working with people to help them overcome frustrations and connect with their audience effectively. Nothing is more satisfying than creating a bespoke system for a client that just works.

I move with the times and adapt to the latest innovations that WordPress have to offer, including their new Theme Editor. My sites are responsive (i.e. they aren’t tiny or cut to bits by mobile devices) and don’t cost the earth.

What kind of clients do you take on?

Whether you want your website to have an ecommerce shop so you can sell to customers, create a site just for members, or just advertise your skills and services with a “brochure” site, I understand what makes users click.

Stuck for what to say? I’m pretty handy with the English language, too. I’ve written for many happy clients over the years and I can help craft your web content.

Browse my previous and upcoming projects, or get in touch with your own project needs and I will speak to you soon!


A partial list of my web development experience.

Languages I speak…

I’m a LAMP stack specialist (LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP and is the basis for many open source systems such as WordPress). I’m also fluent in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more


WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) specialisation — I can build custom WP sites with custom themes and custom functionality — but I have also worked with Drupal, Joomla, Wikimedia, Contentful, and more…


Help setting up a web shop to sell physical items, services, or even virtual items such as event tickets or downloadable e-books. I have experience in WooCommerce using PayPal and Stripe payments

Newsletter integration

Getting your customers engaged with MailChimp, MailerLite or other emailing systems? Want to improve your content or increase your subscription signups? Let me help you

Designing custom themes

If you’re sick of paying for “Pro” themes that charge you every year and don’t do what you really need, you’ve found someone who can finally help your site with clean, efficient themes.

Information and user flow

Getting users into and around your website with experience in Search Engine Optimisation, Stats, User Journeys, and other methods of getting from views to engagement


It’s not just how your site looks or works, it’s also what’s in it. I help you create content strategies and can even draft some for you


Help dealing with hosting and domain providers, or we can offer our own in-house hosting if that suits your needs!

Customise your data

Custom posts and fields that make your work easier and smarter. Plugins that enhance, rather than clutter up, your WordPress dashboard

Plugin wrestler

Tired of fighting your WordPress extended functionality, and the support techs speaking in gibberish? I’ll help you get plugins to play nice


I help you install and configure secure systems that help prevent annoying spam comments and malware invasions.

And more!

From event calendars to member profiles to integration with third parties. I’ve probably done it, or something like it over the years.

“Jellydigio has been an invaluable partner in the creation of our brand website. It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with Beth”

David Young

COO, Centrocol

“Beth helped us get our website up and running fast”

Karen Fishwick

Co-ordinator, HWS Events

Get in touch

Arrange a friendly chat with Beth to discuss your website needs.